Codes and Replication Files
Codes for "Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada using Group Size Variation"
- GMM (Gauss)
- MLE (Gauss)
Subroutine for "Structural Homophily" - Fortran 90
Codes for "Equilibrium Homophily in Networks"
Replication files: zip-file
Alternative codes (Note: Not using the exact specification from the paper. SMC algorithms are typically more robust for multimodal posterior distributions, but can be extremely slow...)
Code for GPU cards (Fortran 90, OpenACC) Why using GPU cards? see GPU vs CPU?
Code for MPI implementation on large clusters (Fortran 90, Open MPI)
Codes for SMC implementation using the EasyABC package in R: Fortran 90 subroutine // Script
Codes for SMC implementation using the AstroABC package in Python: Fortran 90 subroutine // Script
Small simulation for network games with generalized ordinal potentials - Fortran 90 (see paper)
Codes for "Peer-Induced Beliefs Regarding College Participation" - link (.zip, R and Stata codes)
Codes for "Wage Dynamics and Peer Referrals" - link
Code and data for "Optimal Credible Warnings" (Matlab) - zip file
R package for "Estimating Peer Effects using Partial Network Data" - link on Github
Codes for "Education Transmission and Network Formation" - link on Github
Codes for "Binary Outcomes and Linear Interactions" - link on Github