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Published or forthcoming


Note that most accepted versions of the papers (without the journal layout) are available (freely) on CorpusUL.


  • "Toward a general theory of peer effects", with Michelle Rendall, Philip Ushchev and Yves Zenou - Econometrica, 92(2) (2024) 543-565 - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Education Transmission and Network Formation", with Carlo L. Del Bello, Fabrizio Panebianco, Thierry Verdier, and Yves Zenou - the Journal of Labor Economics, 41(1) (2023) - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Peer-Induced Beliefs Regarding College Participation", with Finagnon A. Dedewanou and Arnaud Dufays - the Economics of Education Review, 90 (2022), 102307 - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Specification and Estimation of Network Formation and Network Interaction Models with the Exponential Probability Distribution", with Chih-Sheng Hsieh and Lung-Fei Lee, Quantitative Economics, 11(4) (2020) - link (WP) - link (Journal) - SA

  • "Equilibrium Homophily in Networks", the European Economic Review , 123 (2020) - link (WP) - link (Journal)
    (Grew out of "The Estimation of Network Formation Games with Positive Spillovers" (idle manuscript) - link)


  • "Wage Dynamics and Peer Referrals", with Marion Goussé, the Review of Economic Dynamics 31 (2019) 1-23
    link (WP) - link (Journal) - online appendix


  • "Selecting Equilibria using Best-Response Dynamics", Economics Bulletin 37(4) (2017) A244 - link

  • "My Friend Far Far Away: A Random Field Approach to Exponential Random Graph Models", with Ismael MourifiéThe Econometrics Journal, 20(3) (2017) S14-S46- link (WP) - link (Journal)
    Recipient of the Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize 2017


  • Matte S., Boucher M.-A., Boucher V. and Fortier-Fillion T.-C "Moving beyond the cost-loss ratio: economic assessment of streamflow forecasts for a risk-averse decision maker", Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21 (2017) 2967-2986 - link

  • "L'impact des dépenses publiques en sport sur les médailles olympiques: une analyse économétrique", with Paul Blais-Morisset and Bernard Fortin, Revue Économique,  68 (2017) - link (WP)

  • "Conformism and Self-Selection in Social Networks", The Journal of Public Economics, 136 (2016) 30-44 - link (WP)link (Journal)

  • "Structural Homophily", The International Economic Review, 56(1) (2015) 235-264 - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Polluting Politics" with Louis-Philippe Béland, Economics Letters, 137 (2015) 176-181 - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada using Group Size Variation", with Yann Bramoullé, Habiba Djebbari and Bernard Fortin, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(1) (2014), 91-109 - link (WP) - link (Journal)

  • "Providing Global Public Goods under Uncertainty", with Yann Bramoullé, Journal of Public Economics, 94(9) (2010) 591-603 - link (WP) - link (Journal)



Submitted or under revision​​​​

  • "Binary Outcomes and Linear Interactions" (April 2023) , with Yann Bramoullé - Revision requested by the Journal of Business & Economic Statistics  -  ManuscriptO.A (new version)

  • "Ethnic mixing in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and a Structural Model", with Semih Tumen, Michael Vlassopoulos, Jackline Wahba, and Yves Zenou - resubmitted (2nd round) to the Journal of Political Economy - link (April 2024)

  • "Estimating peer effects using partial network data", with Aristide Houndetoungan - Revision requested by the Review of Economics and Statistics link (September 2023) - Package

  • "The Interactions Between Production and Ecological Networks" - Submittedlink (Seotenber 2024)  (slides)


Working papers


  • "Optimal Credible Warnings", with Koffi Akakpo and Marie-Amélie Boucher - link


Book chapter


  • "Some Challenges in the Empirics of the Effects of Networks" (2016), with Bernard Fortin, (Book Chapter) The Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks. Eds. Yann Bramoullé, Andrea Galeotti and Brian W. Rogers. - link (WP) - link (Handbook)


Policy papers


  • "Combien de personnes ont développé des symptômes ou contracté la Covid-19 au Québec ? Une étude exploratoire" (french) with David Boisclair, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Ingrid Peignier - link
  • "Impacts économiques de la crise de la covid 19 chez les hommes et les femmes au Québec" (french), with Marion Goussé, Stephen Gordon and Elfried Toba. Produced for the Ministère des Finances du Québec, August 21th 2020 - link
  • "Croissance, Fragilité et Fiscalité: Analyse de la Structure Productive de l'Économie Québécoise" (french) with Fatoumata Dieng. Produced for the Ministère des Finances du Québec, November 25th 2021 - link


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