because academic publishing is not everything ;)
for the research community and for everyone
Predict the relative importance on your social networks (Canadians data) - Take the quiz !!!
See how diverse is your friendship network (Canadian data) - Take the quiz !!!
Create fake datasets from Statistics Canada Master Files - Fakedata program
Commented pseudo-code for 2SLS as in Bramoullé et. al (2009) - Matlab
Summary of my paper with Marion Goussé on Wage Dynamics and Peer Referrals - Video (in French) on Youtube
"Effets de pairs et études post-secondaires" (in French) video summary of my research on the impact of peers on post-secondary education choices - Video (with subtitles)
"Biodiversité et changements structurels" (in French) video summary of my paper "The Interactions Between Production and Ecological Networks" - Video (with subtitles)
My interview with Ismael Mourifié by the Royal Economic Society - Youtube
Media coverage
On "L'impact des dépenses publiques en sport sur les médailles olympiques: une analyse économétrique" - coverage (in French)
On "Polluting Politics" - coverage
On "Do Peers Affect Student Achievement? Evidence from Canada using Group Size Variation" - coverage 1 - coverage 2